We’ll Make Your Rugs Spotless And Sanitary

When it first comes out of the store, an area rug looks great, feels soft, smells fresh, and possesses many other attractive qualities. The unfortunate truth, however, is that an area rug will not possess these qualities forever, and eventually the rug will get dirty, even if it's not used that often.
When your rug gets dirty, such isn't the end of the world. It's not like you have to go throw the rug out in the trash and go buy another one. All you have to do is get in touch with our professional team. Our area rug cleaning service has been trusted and preferred for years, and this is because area rug owners in the area know that we take rug cleaning seriously.
We will make your rugs spotless and sanitary, and when we are done with cleaning, you’ll think your rugs were just purchased the other day. We serve both residential and commercial clients in the area, and no job is too large or complex for our experts.

Our Services

Rug Cleaning

Getting rug cleaning from us will be a good move. We only clean rugs with the best tools and cleaning products. No germs or dirt will be left when we're done with cleaning.


Rug Restoration & Repair

Our technicians are rug restoration pros. They can deliver a wide range of rug restoration services, including rug recoloring, rug reweaving, rug binding, and rug fringing.


The Rugs We’re Asked To Clean For Clients

We are often asked to clean area rugs, but these aren’t the only rugs we can clean. We can clean any rug or carpet that comes to our shop, as we've been in the business for years and we've cleaned thousands of rugs. A rug’s complex design nor age will prevent us from delivering top-notch cleaning, and if you have specific cleaning instructions, we will follow these so cleaning goes just how you want. Here are the rugs we clean often.
Sheepskin rugs
Leather rugs
Shag rugs
Silk rugs
Navajo rugs
Synthetic rugs
Polyester rugs
Wool rugs
Oriental rugs
Moroccan rugs
Kilim rugs


We’ve Been Sought By NYC Rug Owners For Years

NYC rug owners have been trusting us with their rugs for years, and this is because they know we are committed to delivering first-rate customer service consistently. In a referrals-based business like this, everyone wins when exceptional service is delivered and then recommended. We’ll go above and beyond to make your rugs clean, and we'll go far beyond where our competition is willing to. We can provide same-day service if this is what you need, and we’ll pick up your rugs and deliver them for free.


What Eco-Friendly Rug Cleaning Is Like

We can accommodate those who want eco-friendly rug cleaning. We have been delivering this kind of cleaning since we first opened our doors several years ago. Our eco-friendly cleaning products are just as strong as the conventional cleaning products we use. When we're done with cleaning, your rugs will be ready for use immediately; you won’t have to worry about your pets or children using them.